Displays the IP configuration for all network adapters on the computer. This command can be useful for troubleshooting network connectivity issues.
Sends an ICMP echo request to a specified network device, allowing you to test connectivity. For example, `ping google.com` will send packets to Google’s servers and display the response time.
Traces the route that packets take to reach a specified destination. This can help diagnose network routing issues. For example, `tracert google.com` will display the route to Google’s servers.
Displays active network connections, listening ports, and other network statistics. Useful for monitoring network activity. For example, `netstat -a` will display all active connections and listening ports.
Lists all running processes on the system, along with their Process IDs (PIDs) and memory usage. This can help identify resource-intensive processes. For example, `tasklist` will display a list of all processes.
Terminates a specified process or application. This can be useful for forcefully closing unresponsive programs. For example, `taskkill /f /im program.exe` will forcefully terminate a program named “program.exe”.
Changes the current directory in the command prompt. Useful for navigating the file system. For example, `cd C:\Users` will change the current directory to the “Users” directory on the C drive.
Lists the contents of a directory. Can be used to view files and subdirectories within the current directory. For example, `dir` will list the contents of the current directory.
Clears the command prompt screen. Useful for removing clutter and starting with a clean slate. For example, `cls` will clear the screen.
Allows you to shut down or restart the computer from the command line. For example, `shutdown /s` will shut down the computer, while `shutdown /r` will restart it.
These commands can be powerful tools for common users to troubleshoot issues, manage processes, and perform various system tasks from the command line. Make sure to use them responsibly and with caution, especially commands like `taskkill` and `shutdown` which can have immediate effects on your system.